Simple Forces
2013 Breenspace Sydney Joyce Hinterding’s exhibition, Simple Forces, considers the aesthetics of our electromagnetic environment through a series of conductive graphite drawings and installations. Hinterding approaches energy as a ‘non-human mode of expression’ that explores the four fundamental forces at the heart of existence: gravity, the strong force, the weak force and electromagnetism. What happens when an artist translates invisible forces into compositions? Hinterding’s work finds a compelling balance between physics and aesthetics, a practice immersed in the strange territory between a field and the force it can generate. For Hinterding, a graphite spiral becomes a resonating structure that emanates energy, scavenging, …

WaveForm : Induction Drawings
2012 Graphite, Indianapolis Museum of Art , Indiana, USA This exhibition presents a glimpse into recent and innovative uses of graphite. A form of crystallized carbon, graphite is a naturally occurring mineral as well as a synthetic, industrial product that can be processed and in multiple ways. It can be machined or carved, used as a powder or liquid, or handled as a lump, stick, or pencil. Graphite gathers together works that reveal the material’s potential to take a variety of forms and yield a wide range of visual effects. Graphite is accompanied by a comprehensive digital catalogue, one of …

SoundWave: Induction Drawings
2012 Artists Proof #1, Monash University Museum of Art, Melbourne The SoundWave: Induction drawings were exhibited at MUMA (Monash University of modern Art) for the exhibition “Artists proof #1. These sound producing induction drawings take technical liberties around the notion an energy scavenging and storing energy. for example SoundWave: Induction drawing1 Capacitor Wave investigates the sonic possibilities for a series of Wave form resonating elements inside a wave form loop and is connected to a graphic capacitor. SoundWave: Induction drawing1 Capacitor Wave SoundWave: Induction drawing 2 Resonator Wave SoundWave: Induction drawing3 Spiral Wave SoundWave: Induction drawing4 Wave core …

Spiral Network
2011 Outhear, Spiral Network – Release Agent 01 Footscray Community Centre, Vic An installation of four, graphite,graphic sound producing antenna, installed at The footscray Community Centre for the 2011 Outhear Festival. [embedit snippet=”spiral-network-release-agent-01″] Playing the Antenna is Dale Gorfinkle.

Loops and Fields: Series 4
2010 Freehand, Heide Museum of Contemporary Art, Melbourne, 2011 Invisible fields, Geographies of Radio Waves, Arts Santa Mònica, Barcelona, Spain http://www.heide.com.au/exhibitions/past/page/3/exhibition/freehand/edate/2010-11-25/eid/177 Catalogue Entry for Freehand: recent Australian drawing Loops and Fields, is a collection of drawings that resonate sympathetically to the electromagnetic fields within the gallery. These graphite drawings function as graphic antennas and explore the qualities and inherent nature of a combination of hand-drawn and mathematically generated forms. Delving into algorithmic structures, fractals and the chaotic nature of the hand drawn line, these drawings are an exploration of conductive materials and the possibilities for drawing electronic components. When connected …

2009 Aura, Breenspace, Sydney, 2010 Love of Diagrams, PICA (Perth Institute for Contemporary Art) WA 2010, Opening Lines, Gertrude Contemporary Art Spaces, Melbourne, 2010 No Right Turn, Penrith Regional Gallery This suite of drawings resonates sympathetically with the electromagnetic fields within the gallery. It engages with the possibilities for evidencing the local energetic environment through gold and graphite graphic interpretations of mathematical algorithms that behave like antennas. This work expands the conceptual limits of representation by activating the functional properties in the image both as a material entity and a form. It opens up possibilities for working with images …

Plasma Wave Instrument: Air Time
2002 – Converge: Where art and Science meet: The Adelaide Biennial, The Art Gallery of South Australia, 2002 -The 13th Sydney Biennale of Sydney, The world (May Be) Fantastic, The Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney, Australia. The Plasma Wave Instrument explores the in-between space of matter both as a real-world phenomenon and as an imaginary rendering via a computer-generated sequence. At the centre of this work is a photovoltaic high-voltage generator that transforms sunlight into plasma. Here, the air in its fourth phase travels faster than the speed of sound, literally burning the air. The mechanism that facilitates this is based …

The Oscillators
1995 – Sound In Space: Australian Sound Art, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney. Comprised of conventional art materials pencil (graphite), paper and silver leaf these drawings are functioning interpretations of the circuit diagram of the electronic device the phase shift oscillator. Electricity generated by the Solar panel is fed directly into the drawing and the pencil marks, silver and paper are used to conduct, impede and collect electricity. All conventional electronic components except the transistor and a piezo speakers have been replaced by the graphite drawings, connecting wires and silver leaf. The recording of this installation titled “the Oscillators” and …

1995 – Artspace Auckland New Zealand, 1997 – Artspace Sydney Australia, 1998 – V2,The Institute for unstable Media, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2001 – 7th Istanbul Biennial, Yerebetan Cistern, Istanbul Turkey, 2008 – AV festival, Reg Vardy Gallery, Sunderland, England. Aeriology, is a large scale detuned custom built antenna that resonates to the range of radio frequencies related to it’s length, dimensions, and physical qualities. Like a classic transformer, aeriology also transforms electrical and electromagnetic activity in the room and the surrounding atmosphere into electrical activity in the wire. This activity can be translated into sound or image or can be …

Electrical Storms
1992 – The 9th Biennale of Sydney, “The Boundary Rider” The Bond Store Sydney Australia. An Electro-acoustic installation comprised of two custom built electrostatic sound systems designed to play back the sound from a live custom built antenna tuned to the VLF (very Low Frequency) part of the Radio spectrum and a recording made with the same antenna from New Mexico in 1992. The VLF offers an experience of electrical turbulence in the atmosphere which expresses self mostly as very high frequency sounds known as spherics and whistlers. It characteristically hears the radio bursts being given off by lighting as …

1991 – Perspecta, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 1993 – Sound art Meridian, Xebec Hall, Kobe Japan, 1997- Voltage, The physics room Christchurch, New Zealand. An experimental electro-acoustic work “Siphon” explores the inherent qualities of electricity and its characteristic sounds by interpreting, sculpturally an electronic component within a sound producing circuit. The work uses a number of specially constructed glass capacitors, based on the “leyden jar”, an eighteenth century device, which demonstrates the possibilities for storing electricity in insulated containers. Each of the jars in “Siphon” acts temporarily like a battery, filling and emptying with electricity. …